"Miniature Altar Shrine" - A Mixed Media Workshop

By The Scarlet Letter Press (other events)

Saturday, March 28 2015 12:00 PM 5:00 PM EDT

One of the greatest achievements in my lifetime is inspiring other artists. Whether it be through my own artwork or speaking with them about theirs, I live to offer positive inspiration. The ability to create saved me many times during some challenging years in my life and I wish to pay that forward. My goal is to inspire potential artists to reach inward and pull out their own personal style via my passion for mixed media and collage.

“Mixed Media” is an artistic style that doesn’t get a lot of attention or respect in the fine art world. The mixed media medium is my life, and luckily I have a personality that doesn’t strive to fit in. My collections of vintage materials and objects are created into resurrected vestiges, formed together into a new life, a work of art.

Toronto-based professional artist and designer, Monica Bodirsky, discovered my work during a visit to Salem in 2013. Through this connection, I have been invited to be a resident artist this summer at Artscape Gibralter Point in Toronto. I will study and work amongst other mixed media artists, a rare treat. Additionally, I have been invited to participate in a collaborative artist show of the work created while at Gibralter Point. I will explore critique sessions amongst same-level creatives and will co-host a workshop while there.

This is truly an honor I would like to accept.

Due to my obligations as a small business owner of The Scarlet Letter Press & Gallery, I don’t have the means to accept the invitation. Those who know me know I am not one to ask for donations, however I have found myself in a place where I could use assistance. Therefore, I am offering an incentive to those who help to make this rare opportunity happen.

I am offering a private, one-time only, Miniature Shrine Workshop – based in the Mixed Media medium. During the sickness and eventual death of my mother, I embraced creating personal shrines. The creative process allowed me to emote and paved my path towards acceptance and eventual healing.

*Please note that this workshop does not have to be associated with mourning. Shrines are simply sacred spaces that allow one to reflect.

Miniature Shrine Workshop, Saturday, March 28, 2015 noon – 5pm
Experience a hands-on, creative workshop where the intended goal is to construct a shrine. Due to the length of the workshop, the shrines will be miniature, built in small, hinged tins - about 3” x 4”. (I used small antique tobacco tins to construct my shrines simply because they were of a compact size and quick to complete. They also close, so you can tuck them away if you don’t want them showcased in the open).

New “mint sized” tins will be provided in this workshop, not antique. I will also provide an assortment of mixed media materials including but not limited to: vintage papers, gears and clock parts, old photographs, assorted small, vintage found objects (bullet casings, game parts, components, etc.), beads, jewelry components. You are also welcome to bring ANY materials you would like to incorporate, modern or vintage, including the base tin of your liking. Also provided are glue and a small variety of paints and brushes. Please bring your own sharp scissors. The instruction will include offering a starting point, which includes learning about backgrounds and how to layer components. Over the class length I will assist with any questions and help individuals assemble their works.

The last hour of the class we will share our works with one another and then bless them. Leaving one another on a positive, highly inspirational note.

**Please note that some may not complete the shrine in the class time, but participants will be allowed to take home what materials they choose in order to complete the project.**

Class cost: $65, which includes some materials. Class size limited to 15.

My background has always been in the arts. I graduated from Montclair State University in New Jersey with a Major in Arts/Photography, minors in both Jewelry and Art History. I went on to work in the corporate field as a Director of Marketing and Creative Director for three different companies before opening my own printing business and local art gallery with my husband in 2012. I have organized and run over 10 gallery shows in two years. I am currently the Vice President of the Salem Arts Association and serve on the Salem Arts Festival and Destination Salem/Marketing Boards.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. If after reading you should feel inspired to donate or share the event, it would be greatly appreciated beyond words.


Workshop is recommended for folks 18+. No previous art experience is neccesary.